Angular SEO Optimization: Rank first on search engines with seo best practices

Building applications with Angular is a rewarding experience for developers due to its powerful framework and rich features. However, Angular SEO apps have garnered a reputation for poor SEO performance, primarily due to various angular seo challenges such as issues with client-side rendering, metadata generation, performance optimization, and loading speed limitations.

Is Angular good with SEO?

Yes, search engine optimization (SEO) with Angular works and it’s even better with Angular 18!

Pagespeed results for

In this article, we’ll explore effective strategies and techniques to optimize your up-to-date Angular app for better SEO results and achieve top rankings.

  1. Server side rendering (SSR) vs Client side rendering (CSR) vs Pre Rendering (Server Side Generating)

  2. Understanding Web Vitals: Google’s Measure of Website Quality Impacting User Experience

  3. Optimizing Bundle Size: Harnessing Tree Shaking for Efficient Angular Applications

  4. Angular SEO with Router: URL Optimization

  5. Optimizing Images in Angular Applications for Improved Performance

  6. Enhancing SEO with Meta Titles and Open Graph Tags in Angular

  7. Creating and Utilizing Sitemaps in Angular Applications

  8. Better Website Speed and Efficiency through Effective Server Performance and Caching Strategies

Server side rendering (SSR) vs Client side rendering (CSR) vs Pre Rendering (PR)

Search Engine Crawlers: How they works with an Angular application

Search engine crawlers index web content to rank pages in search results. With traditional Angular applications, they may struggle to index content due to client-side rendering. This can lead to poor Angular SEO performance and bad search engine results. However, using techniques like server-side rendering or prerendering can make content easily accessible to crawlers, improving SEO.

Client side rendering : go to the worst search engine results pages

CSR stands for Client-Side Rendering. It is a rendering technique used in web development, particularly with frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue.js. In CSR, the initial HTML content of a web page is minimal and often includes just enough markup to bootstrap a JavaScript application. The majority of the page’s content and structure is generated dynamically on the client side using JavaScript frameworks.

Client-side rendering, while favored for its dynamic user experience, poses challenges for search engines due to its reliance on JavaScript to render pages dynamically. This can hinder search engine crawlers’ ability to effectively index and rank pages, often resulting in poor SEO performance.

Client-side rendering in Angular involves a sequential loading process on the first loaded page:

  • Fast Initial Load: Angular apps load quickly an empty index.html at first but often display no-content.

  • Asset Loading: Following the initial load, the browser retrieves all necessary JavaScript and CSS assets.

  • JavaScript Interpretation: The fetched JavaScript code is then interpreted by the browser.

  • Execution and Display: Finally, the interpreted JavaScript executes to generate and display the complete content to the user.

However, this sequential loading process can result in longer initial load times, potentially causing users to abandon the site before content fully loads. Search engines penalize sites with high bounce rates and slow loading times, highlighting the importance of optimizing Angular apps for faster initial rendering to improve user experience and SEO performance.

Server-Side Rendering in Angular for SEO Performance optimization

SSR stands for Server-Side Rendering. It is a rendering technique used in web development to render web pages on the server side rather than on the client side (browser), which is particularly beneficial for an angular website.

With SSR, when a user requests a web page, the server dynamically generates the HTML content and sends a fully rendered page to the client (browser).

For Angular’s first loaded page with SSR:

  • Initial Load Delay: The server needs time to construct and render the HTML page with dynamic content before sending it to the client.

  • Instant HTML Display: The browser can immediately display the initial HTML content received from the server.

  • Asset Loading: After the HTML, the browser fetches JavaScript and CSS assets required for interactivity.

  • Hydration and Event Replay: Angular synchronize with the server-rendered HTML, replaying events (in developer preview) and hydrating the page for dynamic interaction shortly after initial display.

This approach aims to optimize SEO by ensuring that search engines can efficiently index the content. It also enhances user experience by displaying content faster, reducing bounce rates as users perceive quicker loading times and seamless interaction. However, implementing SSR requires hosting a Node.js server to dynamically render Angular apps, which adds complexity to deployment but enhances overall performance and SEO effectiveness.

Pre rendering solution: Maximizing SEO Benefits in Angular Applications

Prerendering involves generating static HTML versions of web pages during the build process of an application. These static HTML files are then served directly over HTTP to users, similar to how traditional static websites operate. This approach ensures that search engines can efficiently crawl and index the content, leading to enhanced SEO performance.

  • During Build:

    • Prerender all expected public routes of the Angular application by generating static HTML files for each route during the build process.

  • Hosting:

    • Host all prerendered HTML files on a basic server or any hosting platform like Firebase, Netlify, or Vercel. These platforms often offer straightforward deployment options, allowing developers to deploy with a simple copy-paste or one-click deployment process.

  • First Loaded Page by User:

    • Fast Initial Load: The server serves prerendered index.html HTML file directly to the browser. It's as fast as Client Side Rendering.

    • Instant HTML Display: The browser can immediately display the initial HTML content received from the server. it's as fast as Server side rendering.

    • Asset Loading: After the HTML, the browser fetches JavaScript and CSS assets required for interactivity.

    • Hydration and Event Replay: Angular synchronize with the server-rendered HTML, replaying events (in developer preview) and hydratingthe page for dynamic interaction shortly after initial display.

Prerendering combines the benefits of CSR (Client-Side Rendering) and SSR (Server-Side Rendering), offering advantages such as fast initial load times, instant content display, easy crawlability for search engines, no bounce rates caused by loading time, and straightforward deployment.

However, it has some drawbacks:

  • Knowledge of Public Pages: Developers must specify which pages to prerender, requiring prior knowledge of public routes.

  • Static Pages: Prerendered pages are static, so any updates or changes require rebuilding and redeploying the application to reflect the modifications.

Prerendering effectively blends the strengths of CSR and SSR to optimize performance, SEO, and user experience, yet it necessitates careful planning of public pages and incurs the overhead of rebuilding and redeploying for updates.

What is Angular Universal ?

Angular Universal is a library used to enable server-side rendering (SSR) and prerendering capabilities for Angular applications, especially versions 16 and older.

With the introduction of the new Angular Builder application, setting up SSR and prerendering has become significantly easier. Developers can now follow the documentation provided at and utilize the official @angular/ssr library to streamline the process effectively.

Understanding Web Vitals: Google's Measure of Website Quality Impacting User Experience

Web Vitals represent Google's essential metrics for evaluating and improving the user experience of websites. These metrics, including Core Web Vitals provide crucial insights into how quickly a page loads, becomes interactive, and maintains visual stability.

What is First Contentful Paint (FCP)?

First Contentful Paint (FCP) measures the time from navigation to when the browser first renders any visual content, such as text, images, or SVGs. It gives insight into how quickly users perceive the page loading. Achieving a fast FCP ensures users see content promptly, enhancing the perceived speed of the website and improving user experience. Ideally, FCP should occur within 1-2 seconds after navigation to provide a seamless browsing experience.

What is Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)?

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) measures the time it takes for the largest content element within the viewport to become visible. This metric is crucial for evaluating when the main content of the page has likely loaded, influencing perceived load speed and user engagement. Aiming for an LCP within 2.5 seconds ensures users quickly access and interact with the essential content on your website, improving overall user satisfaction and retention.

What is Total Blocking Time (TBT)?

Total Blocking Time (TBT) quantifies the total amount of time between First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Time to Interactive (TTI) where the main thread was blocked for extended periods, hindering user interaction responsiveness. Minimizing TBT ensures that pages remain responsive and interactive, enhancing the user experience during initial load phases. Keeping TBT under 300 milliseconds allows users to interact smoothly with your website, reducing frustration and improving engagement.

What is Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)?

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) measures the sum total of all individual layout shift scores for unexpected layout shifts that occur during the entire lifespan of a page. CLS quantifies the visual stability of a page, indicating how much content shifts around unexpectedly. Aim for a CLS score less than 0.1 to provide a stable and consistent visual experience, minimizing disruptions and ensuring users can consume content without interference.

What is Speed Index?

Speed Index measures how quickly content is visually displayed during the loading process of a webpage. It provides a comprehensive view of the perceived load speed by evaluating how fast the visible parts of a page are rendered. A lower Speed Index score indicates faster visual load times, contributing to improved user experience and SEO performance. Aim for a Speed Index under 4,000 milliseconds to ensure users perceive your website as fast and responsive, enhancing overall satisfaction and engagement.

How to Measure Web Core Vitals Effectively?

By leveraging tools like PageSpeed Insights and the classic Lighthouse score, developers can effectively measure and optimize these metrics to enhance overall website performance and user satisfaction.

Optimizing Bundle Size: Harnessing Tree Shaking for Efficient Angular Applications

In Angular development, optimizing bundle size is crucial for improving website performance and SEO.

How to Reduce Bundle Size in seo friendly Angular Applications ?

Reducing bundle size in Angular applications demands a strategic approach to streamline code and maximize resource efficiency. Two key methodologies are essential:

  • Tree Shaking: By employing tree shaking techniques, developers can trim down JavaScript bundles effectively. This process eliminates unused code modules during the build phase, ensuring that only necessary code is included without compromising functionality.

  • Lazy Loading: Implementing lazy loading for templates, components, and routes enables resources to load dynamically as required. This approach optimizes initial load times by deferring the loading of non-critical resources until they are needed, thereby enhancing overall application performance.

What is Tree Shaking in Angular and How Does It Reduce Bundle Size?

Tree shaking is a technique used in Angular to eliminate dead code or unused modules during the build process. By analyzing the import and export statements in JavaScript modules, tree shaking identifies and removes code that is not actively used in the application. This optimization method reduces the size of JavaScript bundles, resulting in faster load times and improved performance.

Lighthouse Tree Map of

Angular SEO : External Libraries and Tree Shaking

In Angular development, it's important to note that not all libraries fully support tree shaking, which can impact your application's bundle size.

Some libraries, particularly older or legacy ones, may not be modularized or structured in a way that allows for the removal of unused code during the build process. Instead, they bundle all their code together regardless of whether all parts are used in your application, resulting in larger JavaScript bundles. Additionally, libraries that rely on global scripts or have complex dependencies with dynamic imports can also hinder the efficiency of tree shaking.

When selecting libraries for Angular projects, it's advisable to prioritize those that are compatible with Angular's build optimizer and utilize modern ECMAScript module standards. This ensures optimized bundle size and improved application performance by effectively removing unused code and minimizing unnecessary file sizes.

You can even evaluate the necessity of each library and consider alternatives or custom implementations where feasible. Opt for lightweight alternatives or modular imports to reduce the impact on bundle size.

Regularly audit and update libraries to leverage performance improvements and bug fixes. By optimizing library usage, Angular developers can achieve leaner applications that load faster, perform better, and rank higher in search engine results.

Implementing Lazy Loading Techniques in Angular for Bundle Size Optimization

Lazy loading is a powerful technique in Angular for optimizing bundle size by loading modules, standalone components or portion of template asynchronously. This approach defers the loading of non-critical resources until they are needed, reducing initial page load times and improving user experience.

How to Use Router for Standalone Component Lazy Loading in Angular ?

Angular's router module provides a straightforward way to implement lazy loading for standalone components. By defining lazy-loaded routes in the router configuration, Angular loads components only when requested by the user, rather than during the initial page load. This technique enhances performance by reducing initial bundle size and optimizing resource usage. Implementing router-based lazy loading ensures that Angular applications deliver fast and responsive user experiences while improving SEO metrics related to load times and user engagement.

Lazy Loading with @defer in Angular: Implementation and Benefits of control flow

Lazy loading with @defer in Angular provides developers with a powerful tool to defer the loading of specific dependencies until they are needed, thereby optimizing application performance and enhancing user experience. By using @defer blocks, developers can strategically load components, directives, and pipes based on conditions such as user interaction or viewport visibility. This approach helps reduce the initial bundle size of Angular applications and improves Core Web Vitals metrics like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Time to First Byte (TTFB). Additionally, @defer supports various sub-blocks such as @placeholder for pre-loading content, @loading for displaying loading states, and @error for handling load failures, ensuring a smooth and responsive user interface.

Integrating control flow mechanisms within @defer blocks allows developers to customize loading behaviors further, optimizing how and when resources are fetched based on specific application requirements and user interactions.

Here's an example of using @defer in Angular to lazily load a large component when a user interacts with a button:

In this example:

  • The <button> element triggers the loadLargeComponent() method when clicked.

  • The @defer block specifies that <app-large-component> should be loaded lazily when an interaction event (in this case, a click) occurs.

  • The @placeholder block displays "Loading..." until the deferred component is ready to be rendered.

  • The @loading block displays a loading spinner (loading.gif) for at least 500 milliseconds to prevent fast flickering in case the component loads quickly.

This setup allows the app-large-component to be fetched and rendered only when the user initiates the interaction, improving initial load times and optimizing the application's performance. Adjust the conditions (on interaction, minimum, etc.) based on your specific use case and performance goals.

Using @defer in Angular for lazy loading components provides performance benefits but may impact SEO as content within @defer blocks might not be visible to search engine crawlers if the conditions are not met during the initial page load.

Angular SEO with Router: URL Optimization

Beginning Terms in URLs and Content

In SEO optimization, placing important terms at the beginning of URLs or HTML content carries more weight for search engine rankings. This practice helps search engines quickly identify and prioritize relevant keywords, enhancing visibility and searchability of web pages. By structuring URLs and content to lead with key terms, businesses can improve their SEO performance and attract targeted traffic effectively.

Short and Keyword-Defined

When optimizing URLs for SEO, keep them concise and incorporate relevant keywords to enhance visibility and search engine rankings. Create clear, straightforward URLs such as, that are both user-friendly and easily understandable for search engine crawlers.

If your Angular application requires multiple parent paths in routing, you can effectively manage this by utilizing empty paths as needed. For instance, defining routes this way allows you to structure nested routes under a clear and concise main path.

This approach not only simplifies navigation but also enhances SEO by maintaining a focused hierarchy of content that is both user-friendly and easily interpretable for search engine crawlers.

Optimizing Images in Angular Applications for SEO Improved Performance

WebP Images: Enhanced Performance and SEO Benefits

WebP is a modern image format developed by Google, known for its superior compression and smaller file sizes compared to traditional formats like JPEG and PNG. Here’s why WebP is crucial for optimizing images in Angular applications:

  • Compression and File Size Reduction: WebP uses advanced compression techniques to significantly reduce image file sizes without compromising quality. This results in faster load times and better user experience, which are crucial for SEO.

  • SEO Benefits: Google considers page load speed as a ranking factor. Using WebP images can improve your page’s Core Web Vitals metrics, such as Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), by reducing image load times.

  • Browser Support: WebP is supported by all modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera. For browsers that do not support WebP, fallbacks can be implemented using <picture> elements or JavaScript.

NgOptimizedImage Directive: Image Loading for Angular seo friendly app

Angular provides the NgOptimizedImage directive to simplify the implementation of performance best practices for image loading. Here’s how NgOptimizedImage enhances image optimization:

  • Automated Performance Best Practices: NgOptimizedImage prioritizes the loading of the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) image by setting fetch priorities and generating preconnect links in the document head.

  • Lazy Loading and Responsive Images: The directive supports lazy loading of images by default and generates responsive srcset attributes automatically. This ensures that images are requested at the correct sizes based on the user's viewport, optimizing both performance and SEO.

  • Integration with CDNs: NgOptimizedImage supports integration with Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to further enhance image delivery speed. Built-in loaders for popular CDNs like Cloudflare, Cloudinary, and Imgix simplify the configuration process.

  • Compliance with SEO Best Practices: Requires the specification of width and height attributes to prevent layout shifts, a critical SEO factor. It also warns developers about potential visual distortions or incorrectly set dimensions, ensuring compliance with SEO guidelines.

Import it in your typescript and then you can use it this way :

By implementing these strategies, Angular developers can effectively optimize images for improved SEO performance, faster load times, and better user experience.

Enhancing SEO with Meta Titles and Open Graph Tags in Angular with Meta services

In Angular applications, optimizing meta titles and Open Graph (OG) tags plays a crucial role in improving SEO and enhancing the visibility of your web pages on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Here’s how you can effectively define and manage these tags using Angular's Meta service:

Optimizing Title and Meta Descriptions in Angular Applications

In Angular applications, optimizing meta titles and descriptions is crucial for enhancing SEO and improving user engagement. This guide explains how to effectively manage these elements using Angular's Title service and Meta service from @angular/platform-browser.

Title tags

Definition and Importance:

  • Meta Titles are HTML elements that specify the title of a web page. They appear in browser tabs and search engine results pages (SERPs), influencing click-through rates and SEO performance.

Best Practices:

  • Relevance and Clarity: Ensure each page has a unique and descriptive meta title that accurately reflects its content. Incorporate primary keywords to improve search engine visibility.

  • Length: Keep meta titles concise, preferably under 60 characters, to ensure they are fully displayed in search results.

Implementation Using Angular’s Title Service:

  • Angular's Title service provides methods to dynamically set and update the browser's title.

Meta Descriptions

Definition and Importance:

  • Meta Descriptions provide a brief summary of a web page's content. They are displayed beneath the meta title in SERPs, influencing click-through rates and SEO rankings.

Best Practices:

  • Clarity and Conciseness: Write concise meta descriptions (usually under 160 characters) that accurately summarize the page content and encourage users to click through.

  • Call to Action: Include a compelling call to action when possible to entice users to visit your site.

Implementation Using Angular’s Meta Service:

  • Angular's Meta service allows you to manage meta tags dynamically based on route changes or application state.

Open Graph (OG) Tags

Definition and Purpose:

  • Open Graph (OG) tags are meta tags that control how URLs are displayed when shared on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

  • They include metadata such as the title, description, images, and other attributes that enrich the shared content's appearance.

Example of Social preview like Facebook or X

Key Tags:

  • og:title: Specifies the title of the content when shared.

  • og:description: Provides a brief summary of the content.

  • og:image: Defines the URL of the image to display alongside the shared content.

  • og:url: Specifies the canonical URL of the content.

Implementation Using Angular Meta Service:

  • Use Angular’s Meta service to set OG tags dynamically based on application state or user interactions.

Twitter Cards

Integration with Twitter:

  • Twitter Cards are similar to OG tags but specifically designed for Twitter’s platform. They enhance how shared links are displayed on Twitter feeds.

  • Tags like twitter:title, twitter:description, twitter:image, and twitter:card define how tweets appear.

Defining Tags Using Angular Meta Service:

  • Define Twitter Cards tags similarly to OG tags but adjusted for Twitter-specific metadata.

Canonical URL Implementations in Angular Applications

Canonical URLs are essential for SEO as they specify the preferred URL for a web page, consolidating indexing signals and avoiding duplicate content issues across different URLs. Here’s how to effectively implement canonical URLs in Angular applications using Angular's Meta service.

Understanding Canonical URLs

A canonical URL is an HTML tag placed in the <head> section of a webpage to indicate the preferred URL for search engines when multiple URLs point to similar or duplicate content. This helps search engines consolidate ranking signals and prevents indexing of duplicate content.

Importance of Canonical URLs

  1. SEO Benefits: Canonical URLs ensure that search engines prioritize indexing the preferred version of a webpage, improving SEO performance.

  2. User Experience: Users encounter consistent URLs in search results and browsers, enhancing navigation and reducing confusion.

Implementation Using Angular's Meta Service

Angular's Meta service allows for dynamic management of meta tags, including canonical URLs, based on the current application state or route.

Best Practices for Canonical URLs

  • Consistency: Ensure all versions of URLs (http/https, www/non-www) point to a single canonical URL.

  • Implementation: Place the canonical tag in the <head> section of your HTML to ensure it's recognized by search engines.

Creating and Utilizing Sitemaps in Angular Applications

In Angular applications, sitemaps play a crucial role in ensuring that search engines effectively crawl and index all the important pages of your website. This section outlines how to generate and utilize sitemaps to enhance search engine visibility and indexing efficiency.

What is a Sitemap?

A sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site, along with additional metadata about each URL (such as when it was last updated, how often it changes, and its importance relative to other URLs on the site). Sitemaps help search engines discover and crawl all the pages on your site more intelligently.

Importance of Sitemaps

  1. Comprehensive Crawling: Sitemaps ensure that search engine crawlers discover and index all important pages on your website, even those that are not easily accessible through regular navigation or internal links.

  2. Improved SEO: By providing metadata such as the last modification date and priority level for each URL, sitemaps help search engines understand the structure and importance of your site’s content, potentially leading to improved SEO rankings.

Generating Sitemaps Automatically vs Manually

While automated generated sitemaps is better to not miss a route, manually creating and maintaining a sitemap provides precise control over its content and structure.

Steps to Manually Create a Sitemap

  1. Identify URLs: Compile a list of all public URLs in your Angular application, including pages, posts, and dynamic content.

  2. Add Metadata: For each URL, include additional information such as:

    • Last Modification Date: Specify when the content was last updated.

    • Change Frequency: Indicate how often the content changes (e.g., daily, weekly).

    • Priority: Assign a priority level (0.0 to 1.0) to indicate its importance relative to other URLs.

  3. XML Format: Structure your sitemap in XML format adhering to the Sitemap Protocol (

Defining Sitemap Location

By default, the sitemap.xml file is placed at the root of your domain. However, you can define its location in the robots.txt file using the Sitemap directive. This approach allows you to specify the exact location of your sitemap for search engines to discover and use.

Additional Information in Sitemaps

Beyond listing URLs, you can enhance your sitemap with additional information:

  • Last Modification Date: Specify when each page was last updated.

  • Change Frequency: Indicate how frequently the page content changes (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly).

  • Priority: Assign a priority level to indicate the relative importance of pages within your site.

Submitting Sitemaps to Search Engines

Once generated, submit your sitemap to search engines like Google Search Console. This action prompts search engine crawlers to prioritize indexing the URLs listed in your sitemap, ensuring they are indexed in a timely manner.

Sitemaps are essential for ensuring that search engines index your Angular application’s content efficiently and accurately. By generating and submitting a comprehensive sitemap, you can enhance your site’s visibility in search engine results and improve SEO performance.

Upload sitemap.xml to Search console

Structured Data (Schema) Markup

Structured data (or schema markup) is a standardized format for providing information about a webpage's content to search engines. It helps search engines understand the context and meaning of your content, which can enhance visibility and enable richer search results.

Key Benefits:

  1. Enhanced Search Results: Structured data can enable rich snippets, knowledge panels, and other enhanced search result features, making your content stand out.

  2. Improved SEO: By helping search engines interpret your content more accurately, structured data markup can positively impact your SEO efforts.

  3. Better User Experience: Richer search results can lead to higher click-through rates and improved user engagement.


  • Types of Schema: Use appropriate schema types (e.g., Article, Product, Organization) based on your content.

  • Markup Formats: Implement schema markup using JSON-LD, Microdata, or RDFa formats in the HTML of your web pages.

Tools and Validation:

  • Google's Structured Data Testing Tool: Validate and test your structured data implementation.

  • Reference for schema types and guidelines.


Integrating structured data markup into your web pages can significantly enhance search engine visibility and improve user engagement by providing clearer, more informative search results.

Pro Tip: You can streamline schema implementation in Angular by creating a reusable component to handle schema markup. Simply include it in your template to ensure consistent and effective structured data across your website.

Better Website Speed and Efficiency through Effective Server Performance and Caching Strategies

Improving server performance significantly enhances website speed, crucial for user experience and SEO. Implementing robust caching strategies, like caching assets with long expiration times (e.g., one year) and using file hashes in filenames to ensure cache busting, optimizes resource delivery. Proper configuration ensures cached assets update when necessary, maintaining performance gains without compromising on content freshness.